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Raven Follet
29 sep 20202 minuten om te lezen
Help! My puppy is a chewing monster!
Many puppy owners have gone through the horrors of a puppy chewing everything they can stick their teeth in. Ranging from your favorite...
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Raven Follet
23 sep 20203 minuten om te lezen
How to crate train your dog?
When you need to leave the house for a moment, the crate can be a useful tool to keep your dog and furniture safe
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Raven Follet
20 sep 20202 minuten om te lezen
How to house train your dog?
How to learn your new puppy where and when to go potty.
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Raven Follet
18 apr 20202 minuten om te lezen
The importance of training your dog
It is common knowledge that training a dog results in a lot of advantages, but not everyone is willing to put in the time and effort...
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Raven Follet
16 apr 20203 minuten om te lezen
Walking your dog: What? Why? And How?
Walking your dog can either be a source of lots of fun or a lot of frustration. However you feel about this, it mainly depends on how you...
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Raven Follet
16 apr 20203 minuten om te lezen
Pulling on leash
One of the most common frustrations with dog owners is their dog pulling on a leash during a walk. This post will focus on walking with a...
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Raven Follet
15 apr 20203 minuten om te lezen
How to stop my dog from jumping at people?
Not everyone enjoys a dog that jumps them. It might be you just dressed up for a party or you get visitors who are afraid of dogs. Either...
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Raven Follet
15 apr 20203 minuten om te lezen
5 basic commands and how to teach them
When a new pup joins our lives, often they don’t tend to know any commands at all. You see dogs solving problems and doing all kinds of...
11 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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